What Is Horse Power Is There One Horsepower Is Equal To The Power Of One Horse

Horse Power: When the famous Scottish scientist James Watt invented the steam engine, he also invented a word for the world of science. That word was ‘horsepower’ (What is horsepower). With this word, he compared the power of his steam engine with the power of horses. Till today we have been hearing this word. Let us understand what is horse power.

What is horse power?

Scientist James Watt did an experiment to compare steam engine and horse power. On the basis of this experiment, he fixed the standard of horse power. To know the power of the horse lifting the weight, he tied the rope to the horse from one side and tied the weight through the pulley from the other side. The standard of horsepower was fixed on the basis of the horse lifting that load 1 foot in 1 second.

There are 746Watts in 1 horse power

From his calculations, he determined that 1 horsepower is equal to the power that can lift a weight of 550 pounds one foot in 1 second. That is, the power of 1 horsepower is capable of lifting 33,000 pounds of weight up to 1 foot in 1 minute. 1 horsepower is equal to 746Watt.

How much horsepower in 1 horse?

A report from the Science Focus website says that some people think that 1 horsepower is equal to the power of one horse. That is, from this point of view, they believe that if a vehicle is of 50 horse power, then it has the power of 50 horses. but it’s not like that. 1 horsepower in watts is the amount of power that a horse can exert for an extended period of time. On assessment, it was found that a horse has the power of 14.9 horsepower. Horsepower in vehicles means how much power their engine is producing. Small cars have power up to about 120 horsepower. Whereas big cars or trucks etc can generate 200 horsepower or more.

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